In case of a fire breaks out(火事になったら)


ページID : 7835
  1. If a fire breaks-out, first of all, shout ”fire!” to let your family and neighbors know about the fire and ask for help. Then call 119for the emergency. You should never try to put out the fire all by yourself.
  2. If it is still at an early stage (only the first three minutes from the fire breaks out) it could be possible to put out the fire with fire extinguishers, water or by covering wet cloth such as wet towels (never use dry one) to the fire to block off the oxygen. However, if oil in a pan or pot catches fire, NEVER pour water on them.
  3. If the fire is reaching the ceiling (around your height), the fire can not be extinguished by extinguishers, so evacuate immediately. If it is possible, close the doors and windows to block off the oxygen. While evacuating, you should crawl on your hands and knees to avoid smoke inhalation.


  1. 小さな火でも一人で消そうとしないでください。まず、大声で助けを求め、119番通報しましょう。
  2. 火が出た最初の3分間(ボヤ)のうちに消し止めましょう。消火器や水だけでなく、毛布で覆うなどしましょう。
  3. 天井(自分の背たけ)まで火が燃え広がったら、すぐに避難しましょう。燃えている部屋のドアや窓を閉め、空気を遮断しましょう。


地域安心課 防犯防災係
