“Demand Taxi” is Now Available! (デマンドタクシーの運行を行います)
As new means of transportation for people who have difficulty traveling to bus stops, Togo town has conducted experimental operation of “Demand Taxi” on-demand taxi service three times since fiscal year 2020. Now, the service is put into practice from July 2022. Same as the test-phase operation, we will utilize vacant taxi vehicles to support those requiring transportation within Togo Town. For those who would like to use this service, please register and you will be able to use the service.
(本町では、バス停まで移動することが困難な人への新たな交通手段として、令和2年度から三度にわたりデマンドタクシーの実証実験を実施した後、令和4年7月から本格的に運行することとなりました。 引き続き、タクシーの空き車両を活用して東郷町内の移動を支援します。 利用を希望される方におかれましては、利用登録いただき、ご利用ください。)
Who is eligible(対象者)
Those who live in the town and fall under any of the following conditions 1 to 3.
1.People aged 65 or older
2.Those who have a SHINTAI SHOGAISHA TECHO physical Disability Certificate, RYOIKU TECHO Rehabilitation Certificate, or SEISHIN SHOGAISHA HOKEN FUKUSHI TECHO Mental Disability Health and Welfare Certificate
3.Those who are pregnant or within 6 months after their (expected) date of delivery
(町内在住の方で下記の1から3のいずれかに該当する方です。1.65歳以上の方 2.身体障害者手帳、療育手帳、精神障害者保健福祉手帳のいずれかを所持する方 3.妊娠中から出産(予定)日後6か月以内の人)
Day of Starting Operation(運行開始日)
From Friday, July 1, 2022(令和4年7月1日(金曜日)から)
Hours of Operation(運行時間)
9:00 am to 5:00 pm(午前9時から午後5時まで)
You must board the car by 5 pm. (午後5時までにご乗車いただく必要があります。)
Usage Fee(利用料金)
300 yen per ride (you need to register the system prior to use)
Usage Limits(利用回数)
No limit. You can use the system as much times as you want.(無制限)
Boarding / Destination Points(乗降場所)
Only from and to the following locations within Togo town.
User’s house, public facilities, hospitals, clinics, drug stores, super markets, convenience stores, electronics stores, nursing homes, bus terminals, hairdressing salons, banks, cemeteries, shrines and temples
・You cannot use the demand taxi at places other than the above.
・You cannot stop by the taxi to anywhere besides the boarding point and the destination.
(東郷町内の以下の指定場所 利用者自宅前、公共施設、病院、診療所、薬局、スーパー、コンビニエンスストア、家電量販店、老人ホーム、バスターミナル、理美容室、金融機関、墓苑、神社・仏閣 上記以外の場所は利用することができません。出発地から目的地までの間に立ち寄ることはできません。)
What you need to do before using the system(ご利用前にお願いすること)
Registration in advance(事前登録)
Please register in advance using one of following methods:
Once you have completed the registration, a TOROKU SHO registration certificate will be mailed to your home.
If you have difficulty in registering using the methods below, please contact the Community & Safety Department.
(以下のいずれかの方法で事前登録してください。登録完了後、登録証をご自宅に郵送します。 なお、以下の方法による登録が困難な場合は、地域安心課までお電話ください。)
If you are unable to download the application form, just send us information, in any format, of your name, address, date of birth, and phone number. If you have a disability certificate or other certificate proving your condition, please also state that. Pregnant / nursing women should state their (expected) delivery date.
Via written document(書面による登録)
Please submit the filled-out form to one of the following:
- Community & Safety Department, Togo Town (You can either hand in or send by postal mail.)
- Child Health Care Department, Togo Town
- In the car of Junkai-kun community bus
- Community General Support Center (CHIIKI HOUKATSU SENTAH) of the town
( 「東郷町デマンドタクシー利用登録申請書」を以下のいずれかに提出してください。
1. 東郷町総務部地域安心課(郵送での受付も可能です)
Registration by email or(ファックス番号 メール・ファックス番号による登録)
Application form for Registering for “Demand Taxi” of Togo Town 東郷町デマンドタクシー利用登録申請書 (PDFファイル: 77.2KB)
Please send the filled-out form by email or Fax to:
Fax number:0561-38-7933
( 「東郷町デマンドタクシー利用登録申請書」をメールもしくはファックスで送信してください。)
Online Application(電子での申請)
You can register from our website.
Please access the following page, fill out the form with necessary information and submit.
How to make a reservation(予約方法)
地域安心課 地域生活係