How to make a reservation(予約方法)


ページID : 11973


After you receive your TOROKU SHO registration certificate, please make a reservation by phone at the following offices during the reservation acceptance hours from one week before to the day before the day you wish to use the facility. If you wish to use the taxi on the very day, you can make a try. Please ask by phone.

Although the service is only available to registered users, if you need someone to help you during your trip, one additional person can ride in the taxi to assist you. In such a case, please let us know when making your reservation.



Hours of receiving reservations(予約受付時間)

9:00 am to 5:00 pm(午前9時から午後5時)

We also operate on weekends and holidays.(土日祝日も受け付けます。)

Contacts for reservations(予約可能事業所)

  • Tsubame Kotsu(愛知つばめ交通株式会社):0561-32-0123
  • Meitetsu Taxi (名鉄西部交通株式会社(名鉄タクシー)):0561-73-7166
  • Maruse Taxi(瀬戸自動車運送株式会社(マルセタクシー)):0561-39-4441

Because the service will utilize vacant taxi vehicles, please note that if there are many applicants, we may not be able to send out cars at your desired date and time.


Reminder on your use!(ご利用の際にお願いすること)

Present your TOROKU SHO registration card(登録証の提示)

Please show your registration card to the driver when getting on the taxi.

If you do not, you will be charged the regular taxi fare.




Please see:



地域安心課 地域生活係
